454 g | Cream | 220R |
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 22% Urea USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 00396125
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 22% Urea USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 00396125
SIZE TYPE CODE 225 g Cream 220C -
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 22% Urea USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 00396125
SIZE TYPE CODE 120 g Cream 220Q -
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating lotion for dry skin conditions. Contains: 12% Urea, USP in a lubricating Collagen Lotion base. NPN 00514896
CODE TYPE SIZE 230J Lotion 250 mL -
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 10% urea, USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 80005397
CODE TYPE SIZE 38045 Cream 120 g -
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 10% urea, USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 80005397
CODE TYPE SIZE 38075 Cream 75 g -
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 22% Urea USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 00396125
SIZE CODE 120 g 220Q 225 g 220C 454 g 220R -
Emollient, Moisturizer, Antipruritic Therapeutic moisturizing and lubricating cream for dry skin conditions. Contains: 10% urea, USP in a Collagen Cream base. NPN 80005397
CODE SIZE 38075 75 g 38045 120 g